
Strategic Human Resource Management


Weaving of SHRM orientation in organization systems and practices is the necessary requirement to leverage Human capability of the organization. This needs nimble, differentiated and modern HR practices sync with organization strategy.

This program on SHRM would help HR professionals align their HR practices to with organizational strategies and get an understanding of various aspects of strategic human resource management.

Program Contents
1. SHRM Framework
2. Strategic Recruitment Selection and HR planning
3. Competency mapping and assessment centres
4. Line HR Relationship
5. Performance and compensation management
6. Training Need identification, design , delivery and evaluation
7. Strategic Industrial relations
8. Talent management
9. Action Planning
Program Objectives
This program focuses on providing an orientation to senior and middle level managers to modern strategic HR practices. The specific objectives are:
1. Understanding importance to linking HR practices to organization strategy.
2. Acquire competencies required for designing and implementing HR interventions to assist strategic requirements.
3. Build an individual action plan for further developing knowledge, skills and attitudes required for making effective utilization of HR.
  1. making effective utilization of HR.


This program will use learner centric approach and a rich blend of multiple experiential processes such as group discussions, case method, exercises , lectures etc. The participants will be provided opportunities to develop strategic action plan documents. 

Key Takeaways
Participants to the program will benefit by the way of following:
1. Learning to link HR practices to organization strategy.
2. Improve and acquire various competencies required for HR.
3. Develop action plan for your own organization.

Participants Profile

Designed to sharpen the skills of middle level and senior officers Human resource departments of both private and public sector.

Certificate of Participation

Upon successful completion of the program the institute issues a certificate of completion.

Program Fee

MVR 1750 per person (corporate
discounts are allowed for groups)


4 days (5 hours per day)

For queries
